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Industrial/Organizational Psychology
(PSYC 303)

In this course I was able to apply psychological theories and research to work related settings and situations. I was able to learn and reflect on employee selection, training motivation, organizational development, performance, leadership, well-being in work life. 

It was a fast-paced course where the professor would cover material from our textbook but relate back to day-to-day situations he has experienced or case studies from large organizations. We would take a quiz at the end of the week but most important we were able to write a reflective journal and how it applies to us and work experiences we've had. 

The most impactful lesson and activity was finding and doing a Big 5 Personality Leadership test. This test shows you what percent of each of the 5 personalities you are. It teaches you about yourself and even points to what you could work on or leadership styles that best suit you. I personally don't want to get into my results but go ahead and try yourself. 

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