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Image by Ren Ran


Communication Research Methods I
(COMM 302)

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The research question

Does Pphubbing* in a young relationship have a negative effect on the likelihood of getting married?

The hypothesis 

As Pphubbing goes up, does the likelihood of marriage decreases.


*Pphubbing is phone snubbing or chosing to use your phone over a partner, friend, or person physically around you. 

I took Communication Research Methods I (COMM 302) in the 2022 Summer semester. This class introduced me to the scientific research methods for social communication. Throughout the semester I learned to examine how communication processes, behaviors, and phenomena can be studied using careful research design and ethical data collection. 


It was a very tough class that made us develop our research question to a communication topic we were interested in through current published scholarly journals. We then developed how we would construct our research around our question. We learned what types of surveys and who to survey for best results.


While we didn't conduct research and therefore I did not find the answer  to the question. This class leads to the  second class, Communication Research Methods II. 


I think this class helped me develop research questions that could help me be more analytical in future jobs. It also helped me find research for current topics I may be interested in like communication, health, and politics. I may not be interested in a research career but this has been a great class that developed my trust in scholarly research. 



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