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Yellow Flowers


LeADERS stands for "Leadership, Education and Development through Enhanced Relationships and Service."


The program is designed to help students develop leadership skills and prepare them for leadership roles in their future careers. Each student, according to their major, will select classes that fit in each category:

L: Leadership

e: ePortfolio development

A: Academic Internship


E: Entrepreneurship

R: Research

S: Service Learning

 For my LeADERS experience, I have chosen courses and an internship that will help me in my pursuit of a career in Public Relations and Marketing. 


LeADERS program was an excellent opportunity for me to develop my leadership skills, gain practical experience, and network with professionals in their field. It prepared me for success in my career and help me develop my leadership potential. 


This has helped me solidify some goals to accomplish after graduation. I plan to look for a job in the Communications or Marketing field. I will also be working for 3 years and then apply for a Master's program in San Antonio, where I will be moving to in the Fall. 

Supportive Friend


Industrial/Organizational Psychology (PSYC303)

Academic Internship

Old Dominion University
Department of Communication
and Theatre Arts
Marketing & PR Intern

Programmer in Office
World Peace


Multinational Marketing
(MKTG 411)


Communications Research

Business Team Research
High Fives

Service Learning

Strategic Communication Campaigns

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